Menten Model

class MentenSBMLModel(central_param: ndarray = array([50., 1.]), param_limits: ndarray = array([[0., 100.], [0., 2.]]), **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SBMLModel, ArtificialModelInterface

The MentenModel is a simple model for the Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics. It requires a few adaptations to the SBMLModel class to work with the inference, because the first output of the model does not depend on the parameters and the second output is linear dependent on the third output. See data_dim, forward, jacobian, forward_and_jacobian.

generate_artificial_params(num_samples: int) ndarray[source]

This method must be overwritten an return an numpy array of num_samples parameters.


num_samples (int) – The number of parameters to generate.


The generated parameters.

Return type:



NotImplementedError – If the method is not overwritten in a subclass.

CENTRAL_PARAM = array([50.,  1.])
PARAM_LIMITS = array([[  0., 100.],        [  0.,   2.]])