import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import pytest
from eulerpi.core.data_transformations import DataIdentity
from eulerpi.core.kde import calc_kernel_width, eval_kde_gauss
from eulerpi.core.models import ArtificialModelInterface, JaxModel
from eulerpi.core.transformations import calc_gram_determinant
def test_calc_gram_determinant():
# Test case 1: When the jacobian is a square matrix
jac = jnp.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
expected_result = jnp.abs(jnp.linalg.det(jac))
assert expected_result == 2.0
assert calc_gram_determinant(jac) == expected_result
# Test case 2: When the jacobian is not a square matrix, and the columns are linearly independent
jac = jnp.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]).T
expected_result = jnp.sqrt(jnp.linalg.det(jnp.matmul(jac.T, jac)))
assert expected_result == 1.0
assert calc_gram_determinant(jac) == expected_result
# Test case 3: When the jacobian is a zero matrix
jac = jnp.zeros((2, 2))
expected_result = 0.0
assert calc_gram_determinant(jac) == expected_result
# Test case 4: When the jacobian has negative determinant
jac = jnp.array([[2, 1], [1, 2]])
expected_result = jnp.abs(jnp.linalg.det(jac))
assert expected_result == 3.0
assert calc_gram_determinant(jac) == expected_result
class X2Model(JaxModel, ArtificialModelInterface):
param_dim = 1
data_dim = 1
CENTRAL_PARAM = np.array([1.0])
PARAM_LIMITS = np.array([[0.0, 2.0]])
def __init__(self):
super(JaxModel, self).__init__(self.CENTRAL_PARAM, self.PARAM_LIMITS)
def forward(cls, param):
return param**2
def generate_artificial_params(self, num_samples: int) -> jnp.ndarray:
return np.random.randn(num_samples, self.param_dim)
def test_evaluate_density(caplog):
from eulerpi.core.transformations import evaluate_density
param = X2Model.CENTRAL_PARAM
x2_model = X2Model()
# Model and calc_gram_determinant has its own tests, so we can use it here to test the transformations
sim_res, jac = x2_model.forward_and_jacobian(param)
correction = calc_gram_determinant(jac)
# KDE has its own tests, so we can use it here to test the transformations
data = np.array([[0.0], [2.0]])
data_transformation = DataIdentity()
data_stdevs = calc_kernel_width(data)
pure_density = eval_kde_gauss(data, sim_res, data_stdevs)
# Test case 1: When the slice is one dimensional
slice = np.array([0])
density, _ = evaluate_density(
param, x2_model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice
assert density == pure_density * correction
# Test case 2: When the slice is empty
slice = np.array([])
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
density, _ = evaluate_density(
param, x2_model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice
# Test case 3: When the slice is two dimensional, but the model is one dimensional
slice = np.array([0, 1])
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
density, _ = evaluate_density(
param, x2_model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice
# Test case 4: When the param is out of bounds
slice = np.array([0])
param = np.array([2.1])
# Other arguments would change too, but shouldn't matter for this test
# set logger level to debug to see the warning
from eulerpi import logger
density, _ = evaluate_density(
param, x2_model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice
assert density == 0.0
assert "Parameters outside of predefined range" in caplog.text