Source code for tests.test_plotting

Test the plotting of samples using the COVID model

import numpy as np

from eulerpi.core.inference import InferenceType, inference
from eulerpi.core.plotting import sample_violin_plot
from eulerpi.examples.corona import Corona

[docs] def test_sample_plotting(): """ """ np.random.seed(42) model = Corona() data = np.random.randn(1000, 4) * np.array([1, 5, 25, 2]) + np.array( [1, 10, 40, 3] ) print(data.shape) num_walkers = 10 num_steps = 100 num_burn_in_samples = 10 thinning_factor = 1 run_name = "test_run" inference( model, data=data, inference_type=InferenceType.MCMC, slices=[np.arange(model.param_dim)], run_name=run_name, num_runs=1, num_walkers=num_walkers, num_steps=num_steps, num_burn_in_samples=num_burn_in_samples, thinning_factor=thinning_factor, ) sample_violin_plot( model, run_name=run_name, what_to_plot="param", axis_labels=[r"$k_i$", r"$k_d", r"$k_r$"], ) sample_violin_plot( model, reference_sample=data, run_name=run_name, what_to_plot="data", axis_labels=[r"1", r"2", r"5", r"15 weeks"], )