Source code for tests.test_inference

import jax.scipy.stats as jstats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from eulerpi.core.dense_grid import generate_regular_grid
from eulerpi.core.inference import InferenceType, inference
from eulerpi.core.kde import calc_kernel_width, eval_kde_gauss
from eulerpi.core.result_manager import ResultManager
from eulerpi.examples.simple_models import LinearODE

# WARNING: The following code only works for the simplest case. Equidistant grid, same number of points in each dimension, ...
[docs] def integrate(z, x, y): # Integrate the function over the grid integral = np.trapz(np.trapz(z, y, axis=0), x, axis=0) return integral
# TODO: Generalize, currently only works for dense vs mcmc
[docs] def test_inference_mcmc_dense_exact( num_data_points=1000, num_steps=1500, num_runs=2, # Please keep this higher than 1. This tests is also responsible for testing whether the MCMC sampler and result_manager can concatenate multiple runs. num_grid_points=50, ): # define the model model = LinearODE() # generate artificial data params = model.generate_artificial_params(num_data_points) data = model.generate_artificial_data(params) # run EPI with all inference types result_params, result_sim_res, result_densities = {}, {}, {} full_slice = [np.arange(model.param_dim)] for inference_type in InferenceType._member_map_.values(): result_manager = ResultManager(, str(inference_type), full_slice ) if InferenceType(inference_type) == InferenceType.MCMC: inference( model, data, inference_type, result_manager=result_manager, num_steps=num_steps, num_runs=num_runs, ) # Take every second sample and skip the first 5% of the chain ( result_params[inference_type], result_sim_res[inference_type], result_densities[inference_type], ) = result_manager.load_inference_results( full_slice, num_steps * num_runs // 20, 2 ) elif InferenceType(inference_type) == InferenceType.DENSE_GRID: inference( model, data, inference_type, result_manager=result_manager, num_grid_points=num_grid_points, ) ( result_params[inference_type], result_sim_res[inference_type], result_densities[inference_type], ) = result_manager.load_inference_results(full_slice) else: # skip other inference types continue # define true pdf def true_pdf(grid, distribution="uniform"): if distribution == "uniform": val = ( 1.0 / ( LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[0, 1] - LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[0, 0] ) / ( LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[1, 1] - LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[1, 0] ) ) # return val where grid is in the limits and 0 otherwise return np.where( np.logical_and( np.logical_and( grid[:, 0] >= LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[0, 0], grid[:, 0] <= LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[0, 1], ), np.logical_and( grid[:, 1] >= LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[1, 0], grid[:, 1] <= LinearODE.TRUE_PARAM_LIMITS[1, 1], ), ), val, 0, ) elif distribution == "gaussian": mean = np.zeros(model.param_dim) + 1.5 cov = np.eye(model.param_dim) return jstats.multivariate_normal.pdf(grid, mean, cov) # Extract and process the results lims = LinearODE.PARAM_LIMITS x = np.linspace(lims[0, 0], lims[0, 1], num_grid_points) y = np.linspace(lims[1, 0], lims[1, 1], num_grid_points) grid = generate_regular_grid( np.array([num_grid_points, num_grid_points]), lims, flatten=True ) grid_2d = grid.reshape(num_grid_points, num_grid_points, model.param_dim) # grid = results[InferenceType.DENSE_GRID][2] mcmc_params = result_params[InferenceType.MCMC]["Slice_Q0Q1"] mcmc_kde = eval_kde_gauss( mcmc_params, grid, calc_kernel_width(mcmc_params) ) dense_grid_pdf = result_densities[InferenceType.DENSE_GRID]["Slice_Q0Q1"] true_pdf_grid = true_pdf(grid) true_kde = eval_kde_gauss(params, grid, calc_kernel_width(params)) true_pdf_samples = true_pdf(params) def to2d(grid): return grid.reshape(num_grid_points, num_grid_points) integral_mcmc_kde = integrate(to2d(mcmc_kde), x, y) integral_dense_grid_pdf = integrate(to2d(dense_grid_pdf), x, y) integral_true_pdf = integrate(to2d(true_pdf_grid), x, y) # DEBUGGING print("integral of mcmc kde", integral_mcmc_kde) print("integral of dense grid pdf ", integral_dense_grid_pdf) print("integral of true pdf ", integral_true_pdf) # Just a quick check if the integrals are correct and that the range chosen limits are large enough threshold = 0.9 # We want to capture at least 90% of the probability mass # TODO: The threshold should be adapted depending on how hard the problem is # and how many samples / grid points we have assert integral_mcmc_kde > threshold assert integral_dense_grid_pdf > threshold assert integral_true_pdf > threshold # Calculate the errors on the grid mcmc_kde_error = np.abs(mcmc_kde - true_pdf_grid) dense_grid_pdf_error = np.abs(dense_grid_pdf - true_pdf_grid) def l2_error(x, y, error): return np.sqrt(integrate(to2d(error**2), x, y)) # Calculate the L2 error integral_mcmc_kde_error = l2_error(x, y, mcmc_kde_error) integral_dense_grid_pdf_error = l2_error(x, y, dense_grid_pdf_error) # Divide the integral through the area of the grid integral_mcmc_kde_error /= (lims[0, 1] - lims[0, 0]) * ( lims[1, 1] - lims[1, 0] ) integral_dense_grid_pdf_error /= (lims[0, 1] - lims[0, 0]) * ( lims[1, 1] - lims[1, 0] ) # DEBUGGING print("integral of mcmc kde error", integral_mcmc_kde_error) print("integral of dense grid pdf error", integral_dense_grid_pdf_error) scatter_mcmc_params = False surf_mcmc_kde = True scatter_true_params = False surf_true_pdf_grid = True surf_true_kde = False surf_dense_grid_pdf = True # Surface plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") if scatter_mcmc_params: ax.scatter( mcmc_params[:, 0], mcmc_params[:, 1], 0, label="mcmc params" ) # We dont know the normalizing constant, so we cant plot the density if scatter_true_params: ax.scatter( params[:, 0], params[:, 1], true_pdf_samples, label="true params" ) if surf_mcmc_kde: surf = ax.plot_surface( grid_2d[:, :, 0], grid_2d[:, :, 1], to2d(mcmc_kde), alpha=0.3, label="mcmc kde", ) surf._edgecolors2d = surf._edgecolor3d surf._facecolors2d = surf._facecolor3d if surf_true_pdf_grid: surf = ax.plot_surface( grid_2d[:, :, 0], grid_2d[:, :, 1], to2d(true_pdf_grid), alpha=0.3, label="true pdf", ) surf._edgecolors2d = surf._edgecolor3d surf._facecolors2d = surf._facecolor3d if surf_true_kde: surf = ax.plot_surface( grid_2d[:, :, 0], grid_2d[:, :, 1], to2d(true_kde), alpha=0.1, label="true kde", ) surf._edgecolors2d = surf._edgecolor3d surf._facecolors2d = surf._facecolor3d if surf_dense_grid_pdf: surf = ax.plot_surface( grid_2d[:, :, 0], grid_2d[:, :, 1], to2d(dense_grid_pdf), alpha=0.3, label="dense grid pdf", ) surf._edgecolors2d = surf._edgecolor3d surf._facecolors2d = surf._facecolor3d ax.set_xlabel("param 1") ax.set_ylabel("param 2") ax.set_zlabel("density") ax.legend() # Assert that the errors are "small" # TODO: Giving a meaning to the hreshold / error should be easy, because we know the true pdf and the pdfs are normalized # TODO: Then evaluate whether the threshold is set reasonable # TODO: The threshold should be adapted depending on how hard the problem is # and how many samples / grid points we have threshold = 0.02 assert integral_mcmc_kde_error < threshold assert integral_dense_grid_pdf_error < threshold
[docs] def test_thinning_and_burn_in(): """Test if the thinning and burn in works as expected""" model = LinearODE() # generate artificial data params = model.generate_artificial_params(1000) data = model.generate_artificial_data(params) # run EPI with one trivial slice slices = [np.array([0])] num_steps = 1000 num_walkers = 4 num_runs = 2 num_burn_in_samples = 100 thinning_factor = 4 # MCMC inference overall_params, sim_results, density_evals, result_manager = inference( model=model, data=data, slices=slices, inference_type=InferenceType.MCMC, num_steps=num_steps, num_walkers=num_walkers, num_burn_in_samples=num_burn_in_samples, thinning_factor=thinning_factor, num_runs=num_runs, run_name="test_thinning_and_burn_in", ) # Check if the thinning and burn in results in the expected shapes num_total_samples = ( num_steps * num_walkers * num_runs - num_walkers * num_burn_in_samples ) // thinning_factor assert overall_params["Slice_Q0"].shape[1] == slices[0].shape[0] assert sim_results["Slice_Q0"].shape[1] == model.data_dim assert density_evals["Slice_Q0"].shape[1] == 1 assert overall_params["Slice_Q0"].shape[0] == num_total_samples assert sim_results["Slice_Q0"].shape[0] == num_total_samples assert density_evals["Slice_Q0"].shape[0] == num_total_samples # create some artificial runs to test the thinning and burn in artificial_test_data_run = ( np.arange(num_walkers * num_steps) // thinning_factor ) np.savetxt( result_manager.get_slice_path(np.array([0])) + "/Params/params_0.csv", artificial_test_data_run, delimiter=",", ) artificial_test_data_run += 1000 np.savetxt( result_manager.get_slice_path(np.array([0])) + "/Params/params_1.csv", artificial_test_data_run, delimiter=",", ) ( overall_params, sim_results, density_evals, ) = result_manager.load_inference_results() # check if the correct samples where burned and thinned assert np.all( (overall_params["Slice_Q0"] - num_burn_in_samples) % thinning_factor == 0 ) assert np.all(overall_params["Slice_Q0"] >= num_burn_in_samples)
# Run the inference if main if __name__ == "__main__": test_inference_mcmc_dense_exact()