Source code for tests.test_fixed_params

Test the slices functionality for each of the inference methods.

import importlib

import pytest

from eulerpi.core.inference import inference
from eulerpi.core.model import Model
from eulerpi.examples.temperature import TemperatureWithFixedParams

[docs] def temp_name(low_T, high_T): # Replace the minus sign with a letter to avoid problems with the file name if low_T < 0: lTs = str(low_T).replace("-", "m") else: lTs = str(low_T) if high_T < 0: hTs = str(high_T).replace("-", "m") else: hTs = str(high_T) name = "TemperatureWithFixedParams_" + lTs + "_" + hTs return name
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "temperatures", [ (-10.0, 10.0), # 0 (-20, 40.0), # 1 ], ids=[0, 1], ) def test_fixed_params(temperatures): """ """ model: Model = TemperatureWithFixedParams(*temperatures) run_name = temp_name(*temperatures) data_resource = importlib.resources.files( "eulerpi.examples.temperature" ).joinpath("TemperatureData.csv") with importlib.resources.as_file(data_resource) as data_file: inference( model, data_file, num_steps=100, run_name=run_name, )