Source code for tests.test_examples

Test the instantiation, data loading / data generation and the inference for the example models in the examples folder.

import importlib

import pytest

from eulerpi.core.inference import InferenceType, inference
from eulerpi.core.model import Model, is_amici_available
from eulerpi.core.model_check import basic_model_check

cpp_plant_example = pytest.param(
    ("eulerpi.examples.cpp.cpp_plant", "CppPlant"),
        reason="XFAIL means that the Cpp Library for the plant model ist not compiled yet",

menten_example = pytest.param(
    ("eulerpi.examples.sbml.sbml_menten_model", "MentenSBMLModel"),
        not is_amici_available(),
        reason="Amici not available, no SBML models can be tested",

caffeine_example = pytest.param(
    ("eulerpi.examples.sbml.sbml_caffeine_model", "CaffeineSBMLModel"),
        not is_amici_available(),
        reason="Amici not available, no SBML models can be tested",

[docs] def Examples(): """Provides the list of examples to the parametrized test""" for example in [ ("eulerpi.examples.heat", "HeatArtificial"), ("eulerpi.examples.corona", "Corona", "CoronaData.csv"), ("eulerpi.examples.corona", "CoronaArtificial"), ("eulerpi.examples.temperature", "Temperature", "TemperatureData.csv"), ("eulerpi.examples.temperature", "TemperatureArtificial"), ( "eulerpi.examples.temperature", "TemperatureWithFixedParams", "TemperatureData.csv", ), cpp_plant_example, ("eulerpi.examples.cpp.python_reference_plants", "ExternalPlant"), ("eulerpi.examples.cpp.python_reference_plants", "JaxPlant"), menten_example, caffeine_example, ]: yield example
[docs] def get_example_name(example): """Extract the name of the example from the tuple to have nice names in the test report and be able to select the test using -k Args: example: Tuple of the form (module_location, className, dataFileName) or (module_location, className) Returns: str: name of the example """ return example[1]
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", Examples(), ids=get_example_name) def test_model_requirements(example): """Perform a simple sanity check on the model. Args: example: Tuple of the form (module_location, className, dataFileName) or (module_location, className) """ # extract example parameters from tuple try: module_location, className, dataFileName = example except ValueError: module_location, className = example dataFileName = None # Import class dynamically to avoid error on imports at the top which cant be tracked back to a specific test module = importlib.import_module(module_location) ModelClass = getattr(module, className) model: Model = ModelClass() # Use the basic model check to assert all model attribute dimension requirements as well as forward simulations and the corresponding jacobian. basic_model_check(model)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", Examples(), ids=get_example_name) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inference_type", list(InferenceType)) def test_examples(example, inference_type): """Test the inference for the example models. Args: example(Tuple[str, str, int]): The example which should be tested. The tuple contains the module location, the class name and the number of walkers. Returns: """ # extract example parameters from tuple try: module_location, className, dataFileName = example except ValueError: module_location, className = example dataFileName = None # Import class dynamically to avoid error on imports at the top which cant be tracked back to a specific test module = importlib.import_module(module_location) ModelClass = getattr(module, className) model: Model = ModelClass() # Define kwargs for inference kwargs = {} kwargs["inference_type"] = inference_type if inference_type == InferenceType.MCMC: kwargs["num_walkers"] = max(4, model.param_dim * 2) kwargs["num_steps"] = 10 elif inference_type == InferenceType.DENSE_GRID: kwargs["num_grid_points"] = 3 elif inference_type == InferenceType.SPARSE_GRID: kwargs["num_levels"] = 3 # generate artificial data if necessary if model.is_artificial(): num_data_points = 100 params = model.generate_artificial_params(num_data_points) data = model.generate_artificial_data(params) params, sim_res, densities, result_manager = inference( model, data, **kwargs, ) else: assert dataFileName is not None data_resource = importlib.resources.files(module_location).joinpath( dataFileName ) with importlib.resources.as_file(data_resource) as data_file: params, sim_res, densities, result_manager = inference( model, data_file, **kwargs, ) # get all keys of the params dict full_slice_str = list(params.keys())[0] assert result_manager is not None assert params.keys() == sim_res.keys() == densities.keys() assert params[full_slice_str].shape[0] == sim_res[full_slice_str].shape[0] assert ( params[full_slice_str].shape[0] == densities[full_slice_str].shape[0] ) assert params[full_slice_str].shape[1] == model.param_dim assert ( sim_res[full_slice_str].shape[1] == model.data_dim ) # Take care, only valid for full slice
# TODO: Check if results are correct / models invertible by comparing them with the artificial data for the artificial models