Source code for tests.profiling

The code which is executed here should contain code which represents the typical usage of the eulerpi library.
It could be extended to somehow measure the performance of the code for all examples in a reproducible and comparable way.
At the moment the simplest way to get an indication for the performance is to run the tests and look at the time it takes to run the tests.
For profiling / identifying bottlenecks and not just observing the iterations per seconds, run this file with the following command:
scalene tests/ from the root directory of the project.

import numpy as np

from eulerpi.core.inference import InferenceType, inference
from eulerpi.core.model import Model
from eulerpi.examples.corona import CoronaArtificial

[docs] def profiling_with_slices(inference_type): """ """ model: Model = CoronaArtificial() # generate artificial data num_data_points = 1000 params = model.generate_artificial_params(num_data_points) data = model.generate_artificial_data(params) slice1 = np.array([0]) slice2 = np.array([1, 2]) slice3 = np.array([0, 1, 2]) slices = [slice1, slice2, slice3] inference( model, data, inference_type, slices=slices, )
if __name__ == "__main__": profiling_with_slices(InferenceType.MCMC) profiling_with_slices(InferenceType.DENSE_GRID) profiling_with_slices(InferenceType.SPARSE_GRID)