Source code for eulerpi.core.sampling

"""Module implementing the :py:func:`inference <eulerpi.core.inference.inference>` with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) sampling.

The inference with a sampling based approach approximates the the (joint/marginal) parameter distribution(s) by calculating a parameter Markov Chain
using multiple walkers in parallel. This module is currently based on the emcee package.

.. _emcee:

.. note::

    The functions in this module are mainly intended for internal use and are accessed by :func:`inference <eulerpi.core.inference>` function.
    Read the documentation of :func:`inference_mcmc <inference_mcmc>` to learn more about the available options for the MCMC based inference.

import typing
import warnings
from multiprocessing import get_context
from os import path

import emcee
import numpy as np

from eulerpi import logger
from eulerpi.core.data_transformation import DataTransformation
from eulerpi.core.inference_types import InferenceType
from eulerpi.core.kde import calc_kernel_width
from eulerpi.core.model import Model
from eulerpi.core.result_manager import ResultManager
from eulerpi.core.transformations import eval_log_transformed_density

[docs] def run_emcee_once( model: Model, data: np.ndarray, data_transformation: DataTransformation, data_stdevs: np.ndarray, slice: np.ndarray, initial_walker_positions: np.ndarray, num_walkers: int, num_steps: int, num_processes: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """Run the emcee particle swarm sampler once. Args: model (Model): The model which will be sampled data (np.ndarray): data data_transformation (DataTransformation): The data transformation used to normalize the data. data_stdevs (np.ndarray): kernel width for the data slice (np.ndarray): slice of the parameter space which will be sampled initial_walker_positions (np.ndarray): initial parameter values for the walkers num_walkers (int): number of particles in the particle swarm sampler num_steps (int): number of samples each particle performs before storing the sub run num_processes (int): number of parallel threads Returns: np.ndarray: samples from the transformed parameter density """ # Create a pool of worker processes pool = get_context("spawn").Pool(processes=num_processes) sampling_dim = slice.shape[0] # Call the sampler for all parallel workers (possibly use arg moves = movePolicy) try: sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( num_walkers, sampling_dim, eval_log_transformed_density, pool=pool, args=[model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice], ) # Extract the final walker position and close the pool of worker processes. final_walker_positions, _, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc( initial_walker_positions, num_steps, tune=True, progress=True ) except ValueError as e: # If the message equals "Probability function returned NaN." if "Probability function returned NaN" in str(e): raise ValueError( "Probability function returned NaN. " "You possibly have to exclude data dimensions which do not depend on the paramaters. " "In addition your parameters should not be linearly dependent." ) else: raise e if pool is not None: pool.close() pool.join() # TODO: Keep as 3d array? # Should have shape (num_steps, num_walkers, param_dim+data_dim+1) sampler_results = sampler.get_blobs() data_dim = model.data_dim sampler_results = sampler_results.reshape( num_steps * num_walkers, sampling_dim + data_dim + 1 ) f"The acceptance fractions of the emcee sampler per walker are: {np.round(sampler.acceptance_fraction, 2)}" ) try: corrTimes = sampler.get_autocorr_time()"autocorrelation time: {corrTimes[0]}") except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError as e: logger.warning( "The autocorrelation time could not be calculate reliable" ) return sampler_results, final_walker_positions
[docs] def run_emcee_sampling( model: Model, data: np.ndarray, data_transformation: DataTransformation, slice: np.ndarray, result_manager: ResultManager, num_processes: int, num_runs: int, num_walkers: int, num_steps: int, num_burn_in_samples: int, thinning_factor: int, ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Create a representative sample from the transformed parameter density using the emcee particle swarm sampler. Inital values are not stored in the chain and each file contains <num_steps> blocks of size num_walkers. Args: model (Model): The model which will be sampled data (np.ndarray): data data_transformation (DataTransformation): The data transformation used to normalize the data. slice (np.ndarray): slice of the parameter space which will be sampled result_manager (ResultManager): ResultManager which will store the results num_processes (int): number of parallel threads. num_runs (int): number of stored sub runs. num_walkers (int): number of particles in the particle swarm sampler. num_steps (int): number of samples each particle performs before storing the sub run. num_burn_in_samples(int): Number of samples that will be deleted (burned) per chain (i.e. walker). Only for mcmc inference. thinning_factor (int): thinning factor for the samples. Returns: typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Array with all params, array with all data, array with all log probabilities TODO check: are those really log probabilities? """ # Calculate the standard deviation of the data for each dimension data_stdevs = calc_kernel_width(data) sampling_dim = slice.shape[0] # Initialize each walker at a Gaussian-drawn random, slightly different parameter close to the central parameter. # compute element-wise min of the difference between the central parameter and the lower sampling limit and the difference between the central parameter and the upper sampling limit d_min = np.minimum( model.central_param - model.param_limits[:, 0], model.param_limits[:, 1] - model.central_param, ) initial_walker_positions = model.central_param[slice] + d_min[slice] * ( np.random.rand(num_walkers, sampling_dim) - 0.5 ) # Count and print how many runs have already been performed for this model num_existing_files = result_manager.count_emcee_sub_runs(slice) logger.debug(f"{num_existing_files} existing files found") # Loop over the remaining sub runs and contiune the counter where it ended. for run in range(num_existing_files, num_existing_files + num_runs):"Run {run} of {num_runs}") # If there are current walker positions defined by runs before this one, use them. position_path = ( result_manager.get_slice_path(slice) + "/currentPos.csv" ) if path.isfile(position_path): initial_walker_positions = np.loadtxt( position_path, delimiter=",", ndmin=2, ) f"Continue sampling from saved sampler position in {position_path}" ) # Run the sampler. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # This warning is raised when the model returned a -inf value for the log probability, e.g. because the parameters are out of bounds. # We want to ignore this warning, because the sampler will handle this case correctly. # NaN values and other errors are not affected by this. warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", module="red_blue", category=RuntimeWarning, message="invalid value encountered in scalar subtract", ) sampler_results, final_walker_positions = run_emcee_once( model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice, initial_walker_positions, num_walkers, num_steps, num_processes, ) result_manager.save_run( model, slice, run, sampler_results, final_walker_positions ) ( overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals, ) = result_manager.load_slice_inference_results( slice, num_burn_in_samples, thinning_factor ) result_manager.save_overall( slice, overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals, ) return ( overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals, )
[docs] def calc_walker_acceptance( model: Model, slice: np.ndarray, num_walkers: int, num_burn_in_samples: int, result_manager: ResultManager, ): """Calculate the acceptance ratio for each individual walker of the emcee chain. This is especially important to find "zombie" walkers, that are never moving. Args: model (Model): The model for which the acceptance ratio should be calculated slice (np.ndarray): slice for which the acceptance ratio should be calculated num_walkers (int): number of walkers in the emcee chain num_burn_in_samples(int): Number of samples that will be deleted (burned) per chain (i.e. walker). Only for mcmc inference. result_manager (ResultManager): ResultManager to load the results from Returns: np.ndarray: Array with the acceptance ratio for each walker """ # load the emcee parameter chain ( params, sim_res, density_evals, ) = result_manager.load_slice_inference_results( slice, num_burn_in_samples, 1 ) # calculate the number of steps each walker walked # subtract 1 because we count the steps between the parameters num_steps = int(params.shape[0] / num_walkers) - 1 # Unflatten the parameter chain and count the number of accepted steps for each walker params = params.reshape(num_steps + 1, num_walkers, model.param_dim) # Build a boolean array that is true if the parameters of the current step are the same as the parameters of the next step and sum over it # If the parameters are the same, the step is not accepted and we add 0 to the number of accepted steps # If the parameters are different, the step is accepted and we add 1 to the number of accepted steps numAcceptedSteps = np.sum( np.any(params[1:, :, :] != params[:-1, :, :], axis=2), axis=0, ) # calculate the acceptance ratio by dividing the number of accepted steps by the overall number of steps acceptanceRatios = numAcceptedSteps / num_steps return acceptanceRatios
[docs] def inference_mcmc( model: Model, data: np.ndarray, data_transformation: DataTransformation, result_manager: ResultManager, slices: list[np.ndarray], num_processes: int, num_runs: int = 1, num_walkers: int = 10, num_steps: int = 2500, num_burn_in_samples: typing.Optional[int] = None, thinning_factor: typing.Optional[int] = None, get_walker_acceptance: bool = False, ) -> typing.Tuple[ typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray], typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray], typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray], ResultManager, ]: """This function runs a MCMC sampling for the given model and data. Args: model (Model): The model describing the mapping from parameters to data. data (np.ndarray): The data to be used for the inference. data_transformation (DataTransformation): The data transformation used to normalize the data. result_manager (ResultManager): The result manager to be used for the inference. slices (np.ndarray): A list of slices to be used for the inference. num_processes (int): The number of processes to be used for the inference. num_runs (int, optional): The number of runs to be used for the inference. For each run except the first, all walkers continue with the end position of the previous run - this parameter does not affect the number of Markov chains, but how often results for each chain are saved. Defaults to 1. num_walkers (int, optional): The number of walkers to be used for the inference. Corresponds to the number of Markov chains. Defaults to 10. num_steps (int, optional): The number of steps to be used for the inference. Defaults to 2500. num_burn_in_samples (int, optional): number of samples to be discarded as burn-in. Defaults to None means a burn in of 10% of the total number of samples. thinning_factor (int, optional): thinning factor for the samples. Defaults to None means no thinning. get_walker_acceptance (bool, optional): If True, the acceptance rate of the walkers is calculated and printed. Defaults to False. Returns: Tuple[typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray], typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray], typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray], ResultManager]: The parameter samples, the corresponding simulation results, the corresponding density evaluations for each slice and the result manager used for the inference. """ # Set default values for burn in and thinning factor if num_burn_in_samples is None: num_burn_in_samples = int(num_runs * num_steps * 0.1) if thinning_factor is None: thinning_factor = 1 # create the return dictionaries overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals = {}, {}, {} for slice in slices: slice_name = result_manager.get_slice_name(slice) result_manager.save_inference_information( slice=slice, model=model, inference_type=InferenceType.MCMC, num_processes=num_processes, num_runs=num_runs, num_walkers=num_walkers, num_steps=num_steps, num_burn_in_samples=num_burn_in_samples, thinning_factor=thinning_factor, ) ( overall_params[slice_name], overall_sim_results[slice_name], overall_density_evals[slice_name], ) = run_emcee_sampling( model=model, data=data, data_transformation=data_transformation, slice=slice, result_manager=result_manager, num_runs=num_runs, num_walkers=num_walkers, num_steps=num_steps, num_burn_in_samples=num_burn_in_samples, thinning_factor=thinning_factor, num_processes=num_processes, ) if get_walker_acceptance: num_burn_in_steps = int(num_steps * num_runs * 0.01) acceptance = calc_walker_acceptance( model, slice, num_walkers, num_burn_in_steps, result_manager )"Acceptance rate for slice {slice}: {acceptance}") return ( overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals, result_manager, )