"""Module containing an abstract base class and specialized subclasses for use with the EPI algorithm."""
import inspect
import os
import tempfile
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import partial
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from jax import jacrev, jit, vmap
from eulerpi.jax_extension import value_and_jacrev
amici_available = False
import amici
amici_available = True
except ImportError:
def is_amici_available():
return amici_available
class Model(ABC):
"""The base class for all models using the EPI algorithm.
central_param(np.ndarray): The central parameter for the model. (Default value = None)
param_limits(np.ndarray): Box limits for the parameters. The limits are given as a 2D array with shape (param_dim, 2). The parameter limits are used as limits as well as for the movement policy for MCMC sampling, and as boundaries for the grid when using grid-based inference. Overwrite the function param_is_within_domain if the domain is more complex than a box - the grid will still be build based on param_limits, but actual model evaluations only take place within the limits specified in param_is_within_domain. (Default value = None)
name(str): The name of the model. The class name is used if no name is given. (Default value = None)
.. note::
Examples of model implementations can be found in the :doc:`Example Models </examples>`.
param_dim: Optional[int] = (
None #: The dimension of the parameter space of the model. It must be defined in the subclass.
data_dim: Optional[int] = (
None #: The dimension of the data space of the model. It must be defined in the subclass.
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
"""Check if the required attributes are set."""
if not inspect.isabstract(cls):
for required in (
if not getattr(cls, required):
raise AttributeError(
f"Can't instantiate abstract class {cls.__name__} without {required} attribute defined"
return cls
def __init__(
central_param: np.ndarray,
param_limits: np.ndarray,
name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
self.central_param = central_param
self.param_limits = param_limits
self.name = name or self.__class__.__name__
def forward(self, param: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Executed the forward pass of the model to obtain data from a parameter.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter for which the data should be generated.
np.ndarray: The data generated from the parameter.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
from eulerpi.examples.heat import Heat
from eulerpi.core.model import JaxModel
from jax import vmap
# instantiate the heat model
model = Heat()
# define a 3D example parameter for the heat model
example_param = np.array([1.4, 1.6, 0.5])
# the forward simulation is achieved by using the forward method of the model
sim_result = model.forward(example_param)
# in a more realistic scenario, we would like to perform the forward pass on multiple parameters at once
multiple_params = np.array([[1.5, 1.5, 0.5],
[1.4, 1.4, 0.6],
[1.6, 1.6, 0.4],
[1.5, 1.4, 0.4]])
# try to use jax vmap to perform the forward pass on multiple parameters at once
if isinstance(model, JaxModel):
multiple_sim_results = vmap(model.forward, in_axes=0)(multiple_params)
# if the model is not a jax model, we can use numpy vectorize to perform the forward pass
multiple_sim_results = np.vectorize(model.forward, signature="(n)->(m)")(multiple_params)
raise NotImplementedError
def jacobian(self, param: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluates the jacobian of the :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.forward` method.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter for which the jacobian should be evaluated.
np.ndarray: The jacobian for the variables returned by the :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.forward` method with respect to the parameters.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
from eulerpi.examples.heat import Heat
from eulerpi.core.model import JaxModel
from jax import vmap
# instantiate the heat model
model = Heat()
# define a 3D example parameter for the heat model
example_param = np.array([1.4, 1.6, 0.5])
sim_jacobian = model.jacobian(example_param)
# Similar to the forward pass, also the evaluation of the jacobian can be vectorized.
# This yields a 3D array of shape (num_params, data_dim, param_dim) = (4,5,3) in this example.
multiple_params = np.array([[1.5, 1.5, 0.5],
[1.4, 1.4, 0.6],
[1.5, 1.4, 0.4]])
# try to use jax vmap for vectorization if possible
if isinstance(model, JaxModel):
multiple_sim_jacobians = vmap(model.jacobian, in_axes=0)(multiple_params)
# if the model is not a jax model, we can use numpy vectorize to vectorize
multiple_sim_jacobians = np.vectorize(model.jacobian, signature="(n)->(m)")(multiple_params)
raise NotImplementedError
def forward_and_jacobian(
self, param: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluates the jacobian and the forward pass of the model at the same time. If the method is not overwritten in a subclass it,
it simply calls :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.forward` and :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.jacobian`.
It can be vectorized in the same way as the forward and jacobian methods.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter for which the jacobian should be evaluated.
typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The data generated from the parameter and the jacobian for the variables returned by the :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.forward` method with respect to the parameters.
return self.forward(param), self.jacobian(param)
def param_is_within_domain(self, param: np.ndarray) -> bool:
"""Checks whether a parameter is within the parameter domain of the model.
Overwrite this function if your model has a more complex parameter domain than a box. The param_limits are checked automatically.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter to check.
bool: True if the parameter is within the limits.
return True
def is_artificial(self) -> bool:
"""Determines whether the model provides artificial parameter and data sets.
bool: True if the model inherits from the ArtificialModelInterface
return issubclass(self.__class__, ArtificialModelInterface)
class ArtificialModelInterface(ABC):
"""By inheriting from this interface you indicate that you are providing an artificial parameter dataset,
and the corresponding artificial data dataset, which can be used to compare the results from eulerpi with the ground truth.
def generate_artificial_params(self, num_samples: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""This method must be overwritten an return an numpy array of num_samples parameters.
num_samples(int): The number of parameters to generate.
np.ndarray: The generated parameters.
NotImplementedError: If the method is not overwritten in a subclass.
raise NotImplementedError
def generate_artificial_data(
params: Union[os.PathLike, str, np.ndarray],
) -> np.ndarray:
"""This method is called when the user wants to generate artificial data from the model.
params: typing.Union[os.PathLike, str, np.ndarray]: The parameters for which the data should be generated. Can be either a path to a file, a numpy array or a string.
np.ndarray: The data generated from the parameters.
TypeError: If the params argument is not a path to a file, a numpy array or a string.
if isinstance(params, str) or isinstance(params, os.PathLike):
params = np.loadtxt(params, delimiter=",", ndmin=2)
elif isinstance(params, np.ndarray) or isinstance(params, jnp.ndarray):
raise TypeError(
f"The params argument has to be either a path to a file or a numpy array. The passed argument was of type {type(params)}"
# try to use jax vmap to perform the forward pass on multiple parameters at once
if isinstance(self, JaxModel):
return vmap(self.forward, in_axes=0)(params)
return np.vectorize(self.forward, signature="(n)->(m)")(params)
def add_autodiff(_cls):
Decorator to automatically create the jacobian method based on the forward method.
Additionally it jit compiles the forward and jacobian method with jax.
_cls: The class to decorate.
The decorated class with the jacobian method and the forward and jacobian method jit compiled with jax.
return _cls
class JaxModel(Model):
"""The JaxModel is a base class for models using the JAX library.
It automatically creates the jacobian method based on the forward method.
Additionally it jit compiles the forward and jacobian method with jax for faster execution.
.. note::
To use this class you have to implement your forward method using jax, e. g. jax.numpy.
Dont overwrite the __init__ method of JaxModel without calling the super constructor.
Else your forward method wont be jitted.
def __init__(
central_param: np.ndarray,
param_limits: np.ndarray,
name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
# TODO: Check performance implications of not setting this at the class level but for each instance.
type(self).forward = partial(JaxModel.forward_method, self)
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
"""Automatically create the jacobian method based on the forward method for the subclass."""
return add_autodiff(super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs))
def init_fw_and_bw(cls):
"""Calculates the jitted methods for the subclass(es).
It is an unintended sideeffect that this happens for all intermediate classes also.
E.g. for: class CoronaArtificial(Corona)
cls.fw = jit(cls.forward)
cls.bw = jit(jacrev(cls.forward))
cls.vj = jit(value_and_jacrev(cls.forward))
def forward_method(self, param: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""This method is called by the jitted forward method. It is not intended to be called directly.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter for which the data should be generated.
np.ndarray: The data generated from the parameter.
return type(self).fw(param)
def jacobian(self, param: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Jacobian of the forward pass with respect to the parameters.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter for which the jacobian should be evaluated.
np.ndarray: The jacobian for the variables returned by the :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.forward` method with respect to the parameters.
return type(self).bw(param)
def forward_and_jacobian(
self, param: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluates the jacobian and the forward pass of the model at the same time. This can be more efficient than calling the :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.forward` and :func:`~eulerpi.core.model.Model.jacobian` methods separately.
param(np.ndarray): The parameter for which the jacobian should be evaluated.
typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The data and the jacobian for a given parameter.
return type(self).vj(param)
class SBMLModel(Model):
"""The SBMLModel class is a wrapper for the AMICI python interface to simulate SBML models using this package.
sbml_file(str): The path to the SBML model file.
param_ids(list): A list of ids of parameter, which will be estimated during the inference. If None all parameter ids are extracted from the SBML model.
state_ids(list): A list of state ids, for which data will be given during the inference. If None all state ids are extracted from the SBML model.
timepoints(list): List of measurement time points, this is where the sbml model is evaluated and compared to the data
skip_creation(bool): If True the model is not created againg based on the SBML file. Instead the model is loaded from a previously created model. (Default value = False)
central_param(np.ndarray): The central parameter for the model
param_limits(np.ndarray): The parameter limits for the model
def indices_from_ids(ids: list, all_ids: list) -> list:
"""Returns the indices of the ids in the all_ids list.
ids(list): The ids for which the indices should be returned.
all_ids(list): The list of all ids.
list: The indices of the ids in the all_ids list.
ValueError: If one of the ids is not in the all_ids list.
indices = []
for id in ids:
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
f"Parameter / State id '{id}' is not in the list of the relevant ids {all_ids}"
return indices
def param_dim(self):
"""The number of parameters of the model."""
return len(self.param_ids)
def data_dim(self):
"""The dimension of a data point returned by the model."""
return len(self.state_ids) * len(self.timepoints)
def __init__(
sbml_file: str,
central_param: np.ndarray,
param_limits: np.ndarray,
timepoints: list,
param_ids: Optional[list] = None,
state_ids: Optional[list] = None,
skip_creation: bool = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
if not is_amici_available():
raise ImportError(
"The SBMLModel class requires an AMICI installation. "
"Please install AMICI first."
"You can do this manually or install eulerpi with the [amici] extra: pip install eulerpi[amici]"
super().__init__(central_param, param_limits, name, **kwargs)
self.amici_model_name = self.name
self.amici_model_dir = (
"./generated_sbml_models/" + self.amici_model_name
# Generate python code
if not skip_creation:
sbml_importer = amici.SbmlImporter(sbml_file)
# Load the generated model
self.timepoints = timepoints
self.param_ids = param_ids or self.amici_model.getParametersIds()
self.state_ids = state_ids or self.amici_model.getStateIds()
self.param_indices = self.indices_from_ids(
self.param_ids, self.amici_model.getParameterIds()
self.state_indices = self.indices_from_ids(
self.state_ids, self.amici_model.getStateIds()
def load_amici_model_and_solver(self):
"""Loads the AMICI model from the previously generated model."""
amici_model_module = amici.import_model_module(
self.amici_model_name, self.amici_model_dir
self.amici_model = amici_model_module.getModel()
self.amici_solver = self.amici_model.getSolver()
def setSensitivities(self):
"""Tell the underlying amici solver to calculate sensitivities based on the attribute `self.param_ids`"""
if self.param_ids == self.amici_model.getParameterIds():
def forward(self, params):
for i, param in enumerate(params):
self.amici_model.setParameterById(self.param_ids[i], param)
rdata = amici.runAmiciSimulation(self.amici_model, self.amici_solver)
return rdata.x[:, self.state_indices].reshape(self.data_dim)
def jacobian(self, params):
for i, param in enumerate(params):
self.amici_model.setParameterById(self.param_ids[i], param)
rdata = amici.runAmiciSimulation(self.amici_model, self.amici_solver)
return (
rdata.sx[:, :, self.state_indices]
.transpose(1, 0, 2)
.reshape(self.param_dim, self.data_dim)
def forward_and_jacobian(
self, params: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
for i, param in enumerate(params):
self.amici_model.setParameterById(self.param_ids[i], param)
rdata = amici.runAmiciSimulation(self.amici_model, self.amici_solver)
return (
rdata.x[:, self.state_indices].reshape(self.data_dim),
rdata.sx[:, :, self.state_indices]
.transpose(1, 0, 2)
.reshape(self.param_dim, self.data_dim)
# Allow the model to be pickled
def __getstate__(self):
# Create a copy of the object's state
state = self.__dict__.copy()
# Save the amici solver settings to
_fd, _file = tempfile.mkstemp()
# write amici solver settings to file
amici.writeSolverSettingsToHDF5(self.amici_solver, _file)
except AttributeError as e:
e.args += (
"Pickling the SBMLModel requires an AMICI "
"installation with HDF5 support.",
# read in byte stream
with open(_fd, "rb", closefd=False) as f:
state["amici_solver_settings"] = f.read()
# close file descriptor and remove temporary file
state["amici_model_settings"] = amici.get_model_settings(
# Remove the unpicklable entries.
del state["amici_model"]
del state["amici_solver"]
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
# Restore amici model and solver
_fd, _file = tempfile.mkstemp()
# write solver settings to temporary file
with open(_fd, "wb", closefd=False) as f:
# read in solver settings
amici.readSolverSettingsFromHDF5(_file, self.amici_solver)
except AttributeError as err:
if not err.args:
err.args = ("",)
err.args += (
"Unpickling an AmiciObjective requires an AMICI "
"installation with HDF5 support.",
# close file descriptor and remove temporary file