Source code for eulerpi.core.inference

"""The inference module provides the main interface to the eulerpi library in the form of the :py:func:`inference <inference>` function."""

import os
import pathlib
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import psutil

from eulerpi.core.data_transformation import (
from eulerpi.core.data_transformation_types import DataTransformationType
from eulerpi.core.dense_grid import inference_dense_grid
from eulerpi.core.inference_types import InferenceType
from eulerpi.core.model import Model
from eulerpi.core.result_manager import ResultManager
from eulerpi.core.sampling import inference_mcmc
from eulerpi.core.sparsegrid import inference_sparse_grid

[docs] def inference( model: Model, data: Union[str, os.PathLike, np.ndarray], inference_type: InferenceType = InferenceType.MCMC, slices: Optional[list[np.ndarray]] = None, num_processes: Optional[int] = None, run_name: str = "default_run", result_manager: ResultManager = None, continue_sampling: bool = False, data_transformation: DataTransformationType = DataTransformationType.Normalize, custom_data_transformation: Optional[DataTransformation] = None, n_components_pca: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], ResultManager, ]: """Starts the parameter inference for the given model and data. Args: model(Model): The model describing the mapping from parameters to data. data(Union[str, os.PathLike, np.ndarray]): The data to be used for the inference. If a string is given, it is assumed to be a path to a file containing the data. inference_type(InferenceType, optional): The type of inference to be used. (Default value = InferenceType.MCMC) slices(list[np.ndarray], optional): A list of slices to be used for the inference. If None, the full joint distribution is computed. (Default value = None) num_processes(int, optional): The number of processes to be used for the inference. Per default the number of cores is used. (Default value = Non) run_name(str): The name of the run. (Default value = "default_run") result_manager(ResultManager, optional): The result manager to be used for the inference. If None, a new result manager is created with default paths and saving methods. (Default value = None) continue_sampling(bool, optional): If True, the inference will continue sampling from the last saved point. (Default value = False) data_transformation(DataTransformationType): The type of data transformation to use. (Default value = DataTransformationType.Normalize) custom_data_transformation(DataTransformation, optional): The data transformation to be used for the inference. If None, a normalization is applied to the data. (Default value = None) n_components_pca(int, optional): If using the PCA as data_transformation, selects how many dimensions are kept in the pca. Per default the number of dimensions equals the dimension of the parameter space. (Default value = None) **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the inference function. The possible parameters depend on the inference type. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], ResultManager]: The parameter samples, the corresponding simulation results, the corresponding density evaluations for each slice and the result manager used for the inference. Examples: Inference with eulerpi only requires the model and the data. The following example shows how to run inference for the Covid example model. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from eulerpi.examples.corona import Corona from eulerpi.core.inference import inference # generate 1000 artificial, 4D data points for the Covid example model data_scales = np.array([1.0, 5.0, 35.0, 2.0]) data = (np.random.rand(1000, 4)+1.0)*data_scales # run inference only specifying the model and the data (param_sample_dict, sim_res_sample_dict, desities_dict, _) = inference(Corona(), data) # retrieve (for instance) the parameter samples by evaluating the parameter sample dictionary in the slice Q0Q1Q2 corresponding to all three joint parameter dimensions param_sample = param_sample_dict["Slice_Q0Q1Q2"] Of course, you can also specify additional parameters and import data from a file Data/Coronoa/data.csv. In addition, the result manager is a convenient and versatile interface to access the inference results. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from eulerpi.examples.corona import Corona from eulerpi.core.inference import inference # run inference with additional arguments (_, _, _, res_manager) = inference(Corona(), data = "pathto/data.csv", # load data from a csv file location num_processes = 8, # use 8 processes in parallelization run_name = "second_run", # specify the run num_walkers = 50, # use 50 walkers during sampling num_steps = 200, # each walker performs 200 steps num_burn_in_samples = 20, # discard the first 20 steps of each walker thinning_factor = 10) # only use every 10th sample to avoid autocorrelation # use the result manager to retreive the inference results param_sample, sim_res_sample, density_evals = res_manager.load_slice_inference_results(slice = np.array([0,1,2])) Principle Compoonent Analysis (PCA) can be useful to reduce the dimension of the data space and is supported by eulerpi. Grid based parameter density estimation is especially useful whenever parameter dimension can be assumed to be indepedent. In the following example, we assume parameter dimension 2 to be independent from dimensions 0 and 1. Therefore, we compute the joint density of dimensions 0 and 1 and the marginal density of dimension 2. Please note, that specifying 30 grid points for a 2D density estimation results in 900 grid points in total. The result manager is especially useful to access already computed inference results and only requires the model and run name. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from eulerpi.examples.corona import Corona from eulerpi.core.inference import inference, InferenceType from eulerpi.core.data_transformation_types import DataTransformationType from eulerpi.core.result_manager import ResultManager inference(Corona(), data = "pathto/data.csv", slices = [np.array([0,1]), np.array([2])], # specify joint and marginal parameter subdistributions we are interested in inference_type = InferenceType.DENSE_GRID, # use dense grid inference run_name = "grid_run", data_transformation = DataTransformationType.PCA, # perform PCA on the data before inference num_grid_points = 30) # use 30 grid points per parameter dimension # initiate the result manager using the model and run name to retreive the inference results computed above and stored offline grid_res_manager = ResultManager(model_name = Corona().name, run_name = "grid_run") # load the inference results for the joint distribution of parameter dimensions 0 and 1 param_grid_dim01, sim_res_grid_dim01, density_evals_dim01 = grid_res_manager.load_slice_inference_results(slice = np.array([0,1])) """ # Load data from file if necessary if isinstance(data, (str, os.PathLike, pathlib.Path)): data = np.loadtxt(data, delimiter=",", ndmin=2) elif not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, jnp.ndarray)): raise TypeError( f"The data argument must be a path to a file or a numpy array. The argument passed was of type {type(data)}." ) # Transform the data if data_transformation == DataTransformationType.Identity: data_transformation = DataIdentity() elif data_transformation == DataTransformationType.Normalize: data_transformation = DataNormalizer.from_data(data) elif data_transformation == DataTransformationType.PCA: n_components = n_components_pca or model.param_dim data_transformation = DataPCA.from_data( data=data, n_components=n_components ) elif data_transformation == DataTransformationType.Custom: data_transformation = custom_data_transformation if not issubclass(custom_data_transformation, DataTransformation): raise TypeError( f"The custom_data_transformation must be an instance of a subclass from DataTransformation. It is of type {type(data_transformation)}." ) else: raise TypeError( "The data_transformation must be one of the enum values of DataTransformationType." ) data = data_transformation.transform(data) slices = slices or [ np.arange(model.param_dim) ] # If no slice is given, compute full joint distribution, i.e. a slice with all parameters result_manager = result_manager or ResultManager(, run_name, slices ) # If no result_manager is given, create one with default paths if not continue_sampling: result_manager.delete_application_folder_structure() result_manager.create_application_folder_structure() if not num_processes: num_processes = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) if inference_type == InferenceType.DENSE_GRID: return inference_dense_grid( model=model, data=data, data_transformation=data_transformation, result_manager=result_manager, slices=slices, num_processes=num_processes, **kwargs, ) elif inference_type == InferenceType.MCMC: return inference_mcmc( model=model, data=data, data_transformation=data_transformation, result_manager=result_manager, slices=slices, num_processes=num_processes, **kwargs, ) elif inference_type == InferenceType.SPARSE_GRID: return inference_sparse_grid( model=model, data=data, data_transformation=data_transformation, result_manager=result_manager, slices=slices, num_processes=num_processes, **kwargs, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The inference type {inference_type} is not implemented yet." )