Source code for eulerpi.core.dense_grid

"""Module implementing the :py:func:`inference <eulerpi.core.inference.inference>` with a dense grid.

The inference with a dense grid approximates the (joint/marginal) parameter distribution(s) on a dense grid.

.. note::

    The functions in this module are mainly intended for internal use and are accessed by :func:`inference <eulerpi.core.inference>` function.
    Read the documentation of :func:`inference_dense_grid <eulerpi.core.dense_grid.inference_dense_grid>` to learn more
    about the available options for the inference with a dense grid.

import typing
from itertools import repeat
from multiprocessing import get_context
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebpts1

from eulerpi.core.data_transformation import DataTransformation
from eulerpi.core.dense_grid_types import DenseGridType
from eulerpi.core.inference_types import InferenceType
from eulerpi.core.model import Model
from eulerpi.core.result_manager import ResultManager
from eulerpi.core.sampling import calc_kernel_width
from eulerpi.core.transformations import evaluate_density

[docs] def generate_chebyshev_grid( num_grid_points: np.ndarray, limits: np.ndarray, flatten=False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, list[np.ndarray]]: """Generate a grid with the given number of grid points for each dimension. Args: num_grid_points(np.ndarray): The number of grid points for each dimension. limits(np.ndarray): The limits for each dimension. flatten(bool): If True, the grid is returned as a flatten array. If False, the grid is returned as a list of arrays, one for each dimension. (Default value = False) Returns: np.ndarray: The grid containing the grid points. """ ndim = num_grid_points.size axes = [ chebpts1(num_grid_points[i]) * (limits[i][1] - limits[i][0]) / 2 + (limits[i][1] + limits[i][0]) / 2 for i in range(ndim) ] mesh = np.meshgrid(*axes, indexing="ij") if flatten: return np.array(mesh).reshape(ndim, -1).T else: return mesh
[docs] def generate_regular_grid( num_grid_points: np.ndarray, limits: np.ndarray, flatten=False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, list[np.ndarray]]: """Generate a grid with the given number of grid points for each dimension. Args: num_grid_points(np.ndarray): The number of grid points for each dimension. limits(np.ndarray): The limits for each dimension. flatten(bool): If True, the grid is returned as a flatten array. If False, the grid is returned as a list of arrays, one for each dimension. (Default value = False) Returns: np.ndarray: The grid containing the grid points. """ ndim = num_grid_points.size axes = [ np.linspace(limits[i][0], limits[i][1], num=num_grid_points[i]) for i in range(ndim) ] mesh = np.meshgrid(*axes, indexing="ij") if flatten: return np.array(mesh).reshape(ndim, -1).T else: return mesh
[docs] def evaluate_on_grid_chunk( args: typing.Tuple[ np.ndarray, Model, np.ndarray, DataTransformation, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, ] ) -> np.ndarray: """Define a function which evaluates the density for a given grid chunk. The input args contains the grid chunk, the model, the data, the data_stdevs and the slice. Args: grid_chunk(np.ndarray): The grid chunk contains the grid points (parameter vectors) for which the density should be evaluated. model(Model): The model used for the inference. data(np.ndarray): The data points used for the inference. data_transformation (DataTransformation): The data transformation used to normalize the data. data_stdevs(np.ndarray): The standard deviations of the data points. (Currently the kernel width, #TODO!) slice(np.ndarray): The slice defines for which dimensions of the grid points / paramater vectors the marginal density should be evaluated. Returns: np.ndarray: The evaluation results for the given grid chunk. It is a vector, containing the parameters in the first columns, the simulation results in the second columns and the density evaluations in the last columns. """ grid_chunk, model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice = args # Init the result array evaluation_results = np.zeros( (grid_chunk.shape[0], model.data_dim + slice.shape[0] + 1) ) # Evaluate the grid points for i, gridPoint in enumerate(grid_chunk): density, param_sim_res_density = evaluate_density( gridPoint, model, data, data_transformation, data_stdevs, slice ) evaluation_results[i] = param_sim_res_density return evaluation_results
[docs] def run_dense_grid_evaluation( model: Model, data: np.ndarray, data_transformation: DataTransformation, slice: np.ndarray, result_manager: ResultManager, num_grid_points: np.ndarray, dense_grid_type: DenseGridType, num_processes: int, load_balancing_safety_faktor: int, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """This function runs a dense grid evaluation for the given model and data. Args: model(Model): The model for which the evaluation should be performed. data(np.ndarray): The data for which the evaluation should be performed. data_transformation (DataTransformation): The data transformation used to normalize the data. slice(np.ndarray): The slice for which the evaluation should be performed. result_manager(ResultManager): The result manager that should be used to save the results. num_grid_points(np.ndarray): The number of grid points for each dimension. dense_grid_type(DenseGridType): The type of grid that should be used. (Default value = DenseGridType.EQUIDISTANT) num_processes(int): The number of processes that should be used for the evaluation. (Default value = NUM_PROCESSES) load_balancing_safety_faktor(int): Split the grid into num_processes * load_balancing_safety_faktor chunks. This will ensure that each process can be loaded with a similar amount of work if the run time difference between the evaluations does not exceed the load_balancing_safety_faktor. (Default value = 4) Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The parameter samples, the corresponding simulation results, the corresponding density evaluations for the given slice. Raises: ValueError: If the dimension of the numbers of grid points does not match the number of parameters in the slice. ValueError: If the grid type is unknown. """ if slice.shape[0] != num_grid_points.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"The dimension of the numbers of grid points {num_grid_points} does not match the number of parameters in the slice {slice}" ) if model.param_limits.ndim == 1: limits = model.param_limits else: limits = model.param_limits[slice, :] if dense_grid_type == DenseGridType.CHEBYSHEV: grid = generate_chebyshev_grid(num_grid_points, limits, flatten=True) elif dense_grid_type == DenseGridType.EQUIDISTANT: grid = generate_regular_grid(num_grid_points, limits, flatten=True) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown grid type: {dense_grid_type}") data_stdevs = calc_kernel_width(data) # Split the grid into chunks that can be evaluated by each process grid_chunks = np.array_split( grid, num_processes * load_balancing_safety_faktor ) pool = get_context("spawn").Pool(processes=num_processes) tasks = zip( grid_chunks, repeat(model), repeat(data), repeat(data_transformation), repeat(data_stdevs), repeat(slice), ) results =, tasks) pool.close() pool.join() results = np.concatenate(results) data_dim = model.data_dim result_manager.save_overall( slice, results[:, 0 : slice.shape[0]], results[:, slice.shape[0] : slice.shape[0] + data_dim], results[:, slice.shape[0] + data_dim :], ) return ( results[:, 0 : slice.shape[0]], results[:, slice.shape[0] : slice.shape[0] + data_dim], results[:, slice.shape[0] + data_dim :], )
[docs] def inference_dense_grid( model: Model, data: np.ndarray, data_transformation: DataTransformation, result_manager: ResultManager, slices: list[np.ndarray], num_processes: int, num_grid_points: Union[int, list[np.ndarray]] = 10, dense_grid_type: DenseGridType = DenseGridType.EQUIDISTANT, load_balancing_safety_faktor: int = 4, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], ResultManager, ]: """This function runs a dense grid inference for the given model and data. Args: model (Model): The model describing the mapping from parameters to data. data (np.ndarray): The data to be used for the inference. data_transformation (DataTransformation): The data transformation used to normalize the data. result_manager (ResultManager): The result manager to be used for the inference. slices (np.ndarray): A list of slices to be used for the inference. num_processes (int): The number of processes to be used for the inference. num_grid_points (Union[int, list[np.ndarray]], optional): The number of grid points to be used for each parameter. If an int is given, it is assumed to be the same for all parameters. Defaults to 10. dense_grid_type (DenseGridType, optional): The type of grid that should be used. Defaults to DenseGridType.EQUIDISTANT. load_balancing_safety_faktor (int, optional): Split the grid into num_processes * load_balancing_safety_faktor chunks. Defaults to 4. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, np.ndarray], ResultManager]: The parameter samples, the corresponding simulation results, the corresponding density evaluations for each slice and the result manager used for the inference. Raises: TypeError: If the num_grid_points argument has the wrong type. """ # If the number of grid points is given as an int, we construct a list of arrays with the same number of grid points for each parameter in the slice if isinstance(num_grid_points, int): num_grid_points = [ np.full(len(slice), num_grid_points) for slice in slices ] elif isinstance(num_grid_points, list[np.ndarray]): pass else: raise TypeError( f"The num_grid_points argument has to be either an int or a list of arrays. The passed argument was of type {type(num_grid_points)}" ) # create the return dictionaries overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals = {}, {}, {} for slice, n_points in zip(slices, num_grid_points): slice_name = result_manager.get_slice_name(slice) ( overall_params[slice_name], overall_sim_results[slice_name], overall_density_evals[slice_name], ) = run_dense_grid_evaluation( model=model, data=data, data_transformation=data_transformation, slice=slice, result_manager=result_manager, num_grid_points=n_points, dense_grid_type=dense_grid_type, num_processes=num_processes, load_balancing_safety_faktor=load_balancing_safety_faktor, ) result_manager.save_inference_information( slice=slice, model=model, inference_type=InferenceType.DENSE_GRID, num_processes=num_processes, load_balancing_safety_faktor=load_balancing_safety_faktor, num_grid_points=n_points, dense_grid_type=dense_grid_type, ) return ( overall_params, overall_sim_results, overall_density_evals, result_manager, )