Source code for eulerpi.core.data_transformations.data_transformation

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import jax.numpy as jnp

[docs] class DataTransformation(ABC): """Abstract base class for all data transformations Data transformations can be used to improve the performance of the :py:func:`inference <eulerpi.core.inference.inference>` function by improving the quality of the :py:mod:`kernel density estimate <eulerpi.core.kde>`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform(self, data: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Transform the given data point(s) Args: data (jnp.ndarray): The data to be transformed. Columns correspond to different dimensions. Rows correspond to different observations. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised if the transform is not implemented in the subclass. Returns: jnp.ndarray: The transformed data point(s). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def jacobian(self, data: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Calculate the jacobian of the transformation at the given data point(s). Args: data (jnp.ndarray): The data at which the jacobian should be evaluated. Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised if the jacobian is not implemented in the subclass. Returns: jnp.ndarray: The jacobian of the transformation at the given data point(s). """ raise NotImplementedError()